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We love our engagement with The Kiltwalk

Much as our staff generally enjoy their work, it’s hard to imagine any day they prefer to work than at The Kiltwalk. Sunday was the first Kiltwalk of the year in Glasgow and 10,000 people turned out to support what has become one of the leading mass-participation events in Scotland.

While they are working very hard throughout the day, it doesn’t mean they can’t and don’t enter into the event’s spirit. Everyone taking part has a common purpose; to help raise funds for charities across Scotland, and our team loves to engage with the walkers and give them some encouragement along the way.

Our events team keep the Start and Finish areas and all points along the route clean, tidy and safe for all the walkers. So, our team is spread out all along the route, so we get lots of opportunities to interact and be part of the superb atmosphere.

This year, the Glasgow event was an enormous success. It was the first full Kiltwalk event since the restrictions, and the people of Scotland turned out in their thousands to support the cause. Thanks must go to The Hunter Foundation; they topped up the £2 million raised by the public by 50% to take the total to somewhere above £3 million for the day and this total will continue to rise until the fundraising deadline of May 4. It takes the current total raised by The Kiltwalk to over £32 million in the last six years, with over 2850 charities in Scotland benefiting from the event.

At Spectrum, we are delighted to have worked with The Kiltwalk since 2015, it is one of the most rewarding events to see, and we know that the vast sums of money raised to make a great deal of difference to many people in Scotland.

Speaking about Spectrum’s involvement, Operations Director Rebecca Bell said: “This is one of the favourite mass-participation events of the year; everyone is here to do their bit and raise as much money as possible. We’ve been part of it for over six years, and it’s been thrilling to see it develop into one of Scotland’s major fundraising events.”

Following Sunday’s success, Nela Popovic, Head of Events at The Kiltwalk, thanked those who contributed expressing her delight at how the day had gone. In the message, she said: “A massive big THANK YOU to every single one of you for going far and beyond! 

The comments coming in so far have been absolutely incredible. Tons and tons of positive feedback from every direction. Walkers, Kilties, Sponsors, Charities! Everyone!

This first event of 2022 has been challenging in so many ways. The events industry has really suffered over the last few years and this is definitely evident when putting on an event of our size. With your help, we made yesterday as magical as ever!

Thank you all for remaining a part of this incredible Kiltwalk family that we have built and continue to build. Thank you to the newbies for taking on the challenge and jumping straight in!

We are truly delighted to support The Kiltwalk every year and we are already looking forward to the next event when it moves North to Aberdeen on Sunday the 29th of May.

Below, we have shared some pictures taken by our team on the day.


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