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January Employee Of The Month

We are constantly impressed by the work of our team, who always deliver our varied services at an exceptional standard; this is why we would like to take the time to recognise and thank the individuals who have gone above and beyond for our customers.

Our January employee of the month is Mary Villette, who has been with us for over seven years. Mary’s key responsibilities at Spectrum include early morning office Day janitor at a Large Factory we provide services to in Stevenston. We appreciate Mary who not only achieves excellent internal audits, but is also constantly praised by clients. Not only this, but Mary has never taken a day off work for any reason and is a fully-committed member of our team.

Mary was ‘over the moon’ to be chosen as our Employee of the Month. Although she couldn’t believe it and we cannot thank her enough for all of her hard work and effort.

Again, we would like to acknowledge each and every one our team members for their on-going efforts.


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