The school holidays may be over and Mums and Dads will have been be busy buying the new school uniforms and are now adjusting back into school term time. You’ve probably spent considerable time planning the school runs and just how to provide the endless ’taxi service’ required to accommodate all of the new after school activities your kids have chosen this term, it really is a daunting time when the summer break comes to an end.
Contrary to what you may think, Spectrum don’t have the luxury of extended summer breaks. Yes, we work extensively in the education sector looking after nursery, school, college and university properties, but our work doesn’t stop in June when the kids disappear for their break. In fact, it’s traditionally the time when we become really busy for our clients in the education sector.
The normal school year will keep us busy cleaning and managing waste around the day-to-day life of the students, but it’s when they are not there that we can really make a huge difference. It’s the ideal time to provide deep cleaning services in all of the areas that are too busy during their normal use. So, kitchens, classrooms, stores and staff rooms actually get their real spring clean during the summer.
It is also a time to provide specialist cleaning such as high-level cleaning in the areas that traditionally have high ceilings like gymnasiums and assembly rooms where its is more difficult to clean things like lighting. Or, carpet cleaning and floor treatment where daily use during term makes it difficult to get adequate access. And, the better weather (assuming we get some) also means that we can concentrate in external work which might involve pressure washing and ground maintenance.
It’s not difficult to see why the term ‘Back to School’ means something different for our teams at Spectrum, this is the time that we return to the scheduled work that keeps the facilities clean and free of waste, but just as your kids were all spick ’n’ span when the bell rang to signal a new term, the buildings were also shipshape and ready for daily use.