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Employee of the Month

Our Employee of the Month for November is very well known by many of our staff, clients and event team – congratulations to Chantelle Anderson!

Chantelle is one of our Mobile Supervisors and Cover Operatives. She is normally seen nipping around Glasgow and beyond in her very own little Spectrum Kia.

She joined our company almost 3 years ago as a member of our Event Team for the Commonwealth Games. Right away her bubbly personality, can-do attitude and excellent standard of work stood out.

It was logical that we asked her to continue in that role at the Ryder Cup. It was there Chantelle’s love for working at golf events began. She is now a full time Cover Operative covering absence, holidays and event work as well as being a full time advocate for our company brand!

We constantly receive excellent customer feedback with regards to her work as well as from many of the employee’s she works with. Keep up the good work!


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